Rely on our team for all your exterior cleaning needs in Olympia.
Your property’s exterior features, such as your roof, siding, driveway, and deck, have to constantly endure wear and tear, dirt, severe weather, and other risk factors. If your property is looking a little worn-out or grimy, we encourage you to invest in a premium cleaning service that will give you the long-lasting results you deserve. Here at Orca ProWash, we offer soft washing and pressure washing services to guarantee visible results and lasting effects, helping you keep your Olympia, Washington property in pristine condition.
If you’re interested in professional cleaning services for your home or business, simply give us a call to get a free quote!
Call us for a quote!
Our team at Orca ProWash proudly serves Tacoma, Olympia, Federal Way, Puyallup, Auburn, Lake Tapps, Lacey, Bonney Lake, Des Moines, Lakewood, Fox Island, Buckley, Steilacoom, Gig Harbor, Purdy, and Sumner, Washington.